Nov. 1-2020 Intuition workshop
“How to tune into your intuition for answers”
Sunday November 1, 2020
@1-3PM ET (North America)
@7-9PM CET (Europe/Switzerland)
Are you facing a difficult situation? Do you ever wonder why things happen the way they do? Do you ask yourself:
> Why is my life not going the way I planned?
> Why am I facing obstacles in certain areas?
> Why do I attract & manifest certain people, experiences or events in your life?
Learn how to tap into your inner wisdom for answers. Your intuition reveals what you need to know. Trust it. Trust yourself.
Register for this inspiring online workshop and:
1. Discover how to access your intuition
2. Go within during a group meditation exercise
3. Ask a question about your specific situation, and receive intuitive wisdom
4. Receive a web link to replay the workshop session, and remember what you learned
Please note: When you register, you will automatically receive in your registration confirmation email a link to the online workshop. Please save the date and time in your calendar.
We look forward to meeting you virtually!
Nicole Herod (
Christine Veltheim (