Audio – Law of Attraction Question: How To Handle Fear Of A Cheating Partner

How To Handle Fear Of A Cheating Partner

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This morning I received an excellent question about what to do after you’ve manifested  someone in your life – but you are afraid you might lose them:

Hey you!  I have a question, sometimes I wonder or I find it difficult to trust my boyfriend. I get easily into fear, and I’m scared he’ll cheat on me. I know he won’t and I know that in the depth of my heart and soul, but sometimes when my ego comes up I get into fear. I hate it… What do you think? I see that he likes a lot of other girls’ pictures on Facebook, and I get so afraid.

One of my favourite teachers, Abraham Hicks, suggests that you simply stop talking about something that doesn’t make you feel good. Instead, focus your attention on something that makes you feel good when you think about it – so that you begin to gather momentum in feeling better – and make your way back into a better-feeling vibration or state of being. Try it – it works!

About Nicole Herod

When she was just nine years old, Nicole Herod discovered that she (and all other human beings) possess a natural, powerful ability called intuition. Ever since then, she has been using it in every area of her life and has been teaching others to do the same. An avid interest in metaphysics, energy healing and "The Law of Attraction" led her to produce the audio and video series “Unleash the Power of Your Intuition” in which she encourages people looking for a fantastic job or opportunity to leverage the creative power of their own imagination. Today, Nicole is an Intuitive Coach. She works with a seasoned team of intuitive experts who provide intuitive information, strategy and coaching to help corporate leaders and professionals resolve some of their most pressing challenges at work and in business.

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