How to find a fantastic job or opportunity — without looking for it

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Looking for a fantastic job or business opportunity? Contrary to what we’ve been taught, you don’t necessarily need to “pound the pavement” to find it. In this article, Intuitive Coach & Author Nicole Herod explains how a small shift in your thinking can lead to surprising results you can see for yourself in the “real world”.

Excerpt: “When I took this concept seriously and began to experiment with it, I began to see results ‘out there’ in the real world.”

Nicole Herod

Take a good look around you. Everything you can see or touch was first a mere idea in the mind of someone or something: the home in which you live; the place where you go to school or work; the room or environment in which you may find yourself right now; the chair upon which you may be seated; the clothes you may be wearing. Even your own human body.

Everything first began as an idea in the mind of someone or something. No exceptions.

If this is true, then it naturally follows that everything you can see, touch, taste, smell and hear also began as a mere idea in the mind of someone or something.

When I realized this, I also realized that every job and business opportunity that exists also began as a mere idea in the mind of someone. We tend to think about jobs and opportunities as almost physical, solid and permanent, having always existed “somewhere out there”.

We’re taught that there is a limited supply, so if you don’t hurry up, get “out there”, search high and low to find it, beat out the competition and get it, you will be left out in the cold, waiting…until you are lucky enough to find another job opening or opportunity somewhere “out there” for which you must beat out the competition so you can claim the prize as your own.

This is old school thinking. Today, it still exists. You still hear people talking about our society existing in a “dog eat dog world”. In business, you may hear: “Oh it’s not personal, it’s just business”. If you believe that, then you’ll be right at home running with the pack or swimming with the sharks.

Contrary to popular opinion, there is another way to live. You don’t have to participate in domination (i.e. survival of the fittest; natural selection etc.); you can choose to participate in dominion (i.e. what you put out is what you get back; like attracts like etc.)

Domination operates from fear. 
Dominion operates from possibility.

When I thought about it, the last three full-time jobs I held did not even exist before they were offered to me. All three first began as a mere idea in the mind of someone. That person had to first think about a product or service they wanted to sell or offer to other people. They had to think about how they could make the product or deliver the service. Then they had to think about the different types of jobs that other people could do to make the product or deliver the service. And ultimately, they had to think about finding the right people for those jobs…all so they could fulfill their original vision of selling their product or offering their service to other people.

Once I realized that a job or a business opportunity wasn’t necessarily something physical or solid like plastic or steel, that it was an idea…made of energy…which was invisible, flexible, and could mold itself according to the desire of the person who envisioned it, I realized that I didn’t have to wait for someone else to envision and therefore create a fantastic job or business opportunity for me. I could do it for myself. When I took this concept seriously and began to experiment with it, I began to see results “out there” in the real world.

For over two decades, I’ve never gone looking for a job or opportunity. I’ve always created it first in my mind (even when I didn’t know exactly what “it” was), and then I watched it come to me. Other people began to notice and asked me to show them how they could do it too. So I did.

I created a workshop to show other people step by step how to do it themselves; success stories to share how other people regularly do this — often without even realizing it; and I created an Intuitive Coaching service to help managers, leaders, professionals and entrepreneurs use deep, intuitive abilities to solve some of their most pressing issues at work or in business.

My sister thinks I’m “lucky”. My cousin once said: “You’re like a cat. You always land on your feet.” And one time, a former Executive Director employer said to me: “The instant you walked into the office, I knew you were the right person for the job. You just seemed so confident.”

Well, I was confident back then and I am still confident today because I know that it works time and time again. It can work for you too — if you let it.

Visit unleash the power of your intuition for more information, or Contact Us.

About Nicole Herod

When she was just nine years old, Nicole Herod discovered that she (and all other human beings) possess a natural, powerful ability called intuition. Ever since then, she has been using it in every area of her life and has been teaching others to do the same. An avid interest in metaphysics, energy healing and "The Law of Attraction" led her to produce the audio and video series “Unleash the Power of Your Intuition” in which she encourages people looking for a fantastic job or opportunity to leverage the creative power of their own imagination. Today, Nicole is an Intuitive Coach. She works with a seasoned team of intuitive experts who provide intuitive information, strategy and coaching to help corporate leaders and professionals resolve some of their most pressing challenges at work and in business.

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