Video – Sell Your Crap. Pay Your Debt. Do What You Love.

This positively brilliant TEDTalk was given by Adam Baker. When you first consider doing everything Adam suggests, the proposition sounds daunting. However, when you simply answer the question: “What does freedom look like to me?” your own truth begins to surface.

So what are you going to do next?

As for me, my truth and intention is to begin to do work that I truly love. Work that inspires and uplifts me. And many people ask me: “So how will you make that happen?” And my answer is: I won’t. I’ve done that before (try to make something happen). Perhaps you have too. That doesn’t work.

But, I’ve noticed that when I simply let go of the need to figure out how, I trust that The Law of Attraction will bring me opportunities that match my desire, and I simply focus on what I love to do – IT delivers the people, things and experiences that I’ve wanted all along. It works! I’ve done this for the past seven years – and I have never actively looked for work since: it always comes to me.

Case in point: five days ago I started daydreaming about doing more video work. I decided that I was tired of working with people whose mantra is “it’s not personal, it’s just business”. I decided that I wanted to choose the people with whom I worked. I wanted to surround myself with people who were passionate about what they did, people who were truly team players and wanted to contribute to the success and well-being of the team, not just of the self. I dreamed of doing more creative work where I could interview people of all ages around the world, create inspirational videos, and facilitate workshops that help people reconnect to their inner power. And would you believe not one thing happened; five things happened:

  1. Out of the blue, I was contacted by someone I did not know about a project to create a corporate web site and marketing video for them;
  2. A friend asked me to forward my resume to her because she recommended me to one of her clients who is interested in doing corporate training work in an area that really interests me;
  3. Someone asked me to deliver one of my workshops about intuition in her home to a group of her friends and acquaintances;
  4. Another person sent me a description of a work contract that aligns perfectly with my skill set;
  5. And if that weren’t enough: I just learned late yesterday that a work contract that was supposed to conclude at the end of February could be extended until March “…if I wanted it to”.
When I receive cues like this, there is no doubt in my mind that The Law of Attraction is always ready and willing to work for me – if I let IT. But don’t take my word; try IT for yourself!

Do you have a story to share about a time your wish, dream or an amazing coincidence came true? If so, I’d love to hear about it!

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About Nicole Herod

When she was just nine years old, Nicole Herod discovered that she (and all other human beings) possess a natural, powerful ability called intuition. Ever since then, she has been using it in every area of her life and has been teaching others to do the same. An avid interest in metaphysics, energy healing and "The Law of Attraction" led her to produce the audio and video series “Unleash the Power of Your Intuition” in which she encourages people looking for a fantastic job or opportunity to leverage the creative power of their own imagination. Today, Nicole is an Intuitive Coach. She works with a seasoned team of intuitive experts who provide intuitive information, strategy and coaching to help corporate leaders and professionals resolve some of their most pressing challenges at work and in business.

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