• Let The Law of Attraction Deposit Money into Your Bank Account

  • If You Can Imagine It – The Law of Attraction Will Deliver It

  • Sell Your Crap. Pay Your Debt. Do What You Love.

  • Manifest The Love, Success And Business You Want – Every Full Moon

  • Let Go, Heal Yourself, Shift to A New Reality You Prefer

  • What Would You Do If Your Life Were A Dream?

  • Law Of Attraction Question: How To Handle Fear Of A Cheating Partner

  • How David Manifested Money…Just When He Needed It

  • 2 Ways To Feel Better When You Feel Down

  • Why Imagination Is Key To Realizing Your Dreams

Audio – How David Manifested Money…Just When He Needed It

How exactly did David manifest the money he needed to travel, get completely out of debt and save some money?   Click to listen to audio excerpt. David had always wanted to travel to South America to experience “Ayahuasca”, a sacred, powerful healing plant medicine that is native to the Amazon jungle and sometimes gives you dream-like visions as it heals your mind, body ...

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What Would You Do If Your Life Were A Dream?

What if someone suddenly told you that your life is really a dream…and that you could change the dream just by dreaming the people, things and experiences of life that you wanted? What would you dream for yourself? Before you read the rest of this article, answer that question for yourself. Would you dream the same life you have now, or would ...

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Let Go, Heal Yourself, Shift to A New Reality You Prefer

What if…? Instead of working so hard to overcome whatever challenge you are facing in life right now, what if you could simply “shift” instead to a new parallel reality of your life that already exists in which you are living the type of experience you prefer? This idea alone has recently helped me to climb out of a mini ...

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Video – Sell Your Crap. Pay Your Debt. Do What You Love.

This positively brilliant TEDTalk was given by Adam Baker. When you first consider doing everything Adam suggests, the proposition sounds daunting. However, when you simply answer the question: “What does freedom look like to me?” your own truth begins to surface. So what are you going to do next? As for me, my truth and intention is to begin to ...

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Let The Law of Attraction Deposit Money into Your Bank Account

Money falling from the sky

The wonderful thing about your intuition is that IT is always working for you – whether you realize it or not. Without even realizing it, my cousin Bernadette* (not her real name) used The Law of Attraction to attract money into her life. About four months ago my cousin read the sentence “I am a money magnet” in a book she was reading called Secrets of the ...

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The Law of Attraction Made a Difference to Steve Jobs

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and IT has made all the difference in my life.” – Steve Jobs Do ...

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How The Law of Attraction First Revealed Itself to Me

Nicole's father, brother and sister and Nicole

When I was 6 years old, my family emigrated from London, England to Toronto, Canada and had to start all over again. This didn’t bother me one bit until a few years later when I got to an age where I would ask my parents for something that my friends had—such as name brand jeans, running shoes, or other items—and ...

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