What Made Me Believe in the Law of Attraction

Do you want to:

  • Increase your overall life satisfaction?
  • Feel decisive about your next step?
  • Rapidly accelerate toward your goals?
  • Improve your job situation?
  • Attract lucrative business opportunities?
  • Experience better health emotionally and physically?
  • Find yourself in more positive situations?

It worked! I attracted an even better job with a much higher salary – without even looking for it. You too have this same ability. – Nicole Herod

Video Download

One night, I awoke in a panic from a vivid dream. The dream was showing me that I was going to be let go from my full-time job. To calm myself down, I told myself “it was only a dream” and went back to sleep. The very next day when I went into work, I was let go from my job in exactly the same way my dream showed me. I was stunned. Obviously, something was looking out for me, trying to get my attention. So, I started to pay attention. I realized that if an invisible intelligence could warn me about a future experience, it could also guide me toward a future experience. From that day forward, I decided to take a different approach. Instead of going looking for jobs, I decided to use a “magic formula” I discovered when I was just nine years old. It worked! I attracted a great job without even looking for it. The time after that, I attracted an even better job with a much higher salary. Since then, I have never gone looking for jobs, clients or opportunities – even when I didn’t know exactly what I wanted. You too have this same ability, though you may have forgotten how. In this video, I explain step by step how it works for me by using twelve real-life examples from my own life. Once you hear how it works for me, you’ll begin to remember how it works for you too.

[coming soon]

Course (private or small group)

This course is the companion piece to the video. For over 15 years, I have never gone looking for jobs, clients and opportunities. I attract them to me instead. How can you do the same? In this fun, interactive course, I teach you the only thing you need to know to get started. I give you evidence so powerful, by using real examples from your life and mine. In a two-hour period, I will reveal “the magic formula” I discovered and have been using since I was nine years old. You’ll learn: what it is • how it works • how you have used it in the past to attract or repel jobs, work contracts, clients or business opportunities • and how to apply it in all areas of your life (for love, money, things, etc.). By the end of this course, you’ll develop the inner confidence you need to attract the ideal jobs, clients and opportunities that are just right for you. Try it for yourself, and see.

Book a private course