Problem/challenge: Theresa couldn’t trust her business associates
Old Belief: “I am always on the outside.”
New Belief: “I AM love!”
Theresa is a Life Coach who decided to participate in a Belief Coaching session because she wanted to figure out why she couldn’t attract the right business associates who had the same values as her. Each time she began to work with new partners or associates, she noticed that she didn’t feel the level of trust with them that she thought she should. She simply couldn’t trust their behaviour. Important decisions were usually made first, without her input, and then she would be told about it afterward. She felt fearful of this, she felt abandoned by her business associates, and she felt a sense of loneliness.
I suggested that in order for her to feel fearful, abandonned and lonely – she would have to have a belief in her mind that prevented her from trusting her business associates. She agreed. She realized that she often told herself that she was “…always on the outside” looking in. Where did she get this idea? Theresa began to cry as she recalled a sensitive situation from childhood when her divorced mother suddenly decided to get remarried. She didn’t tell her daughter. All of her siblings and extended family members knew; but Theresa didn’t hear about it until after it had happened. She felt devastated that she was the last person to be told.
During her Belief Coaching session, Theresa realized that she wanted to feel “loved”, as if “I and my feelings fully mattered”. After thinking about this for a few minutes, Theresa’s voice grew stronger when she suddenly declared: “I AM love”! In that moment, she realized that she didn’t need to get love from others; it was already inside her. She started to chuckle to herself as she realized that she had just turned her own belief on its head, and she began to feel differently about past situations with her mother and her business associates.
The day after her session, Theresa emailed me to tell me:
I had dinner and a movie with my daughter tonight and she showed up totally differently, and I responded to her differently as well. Very love-filled evening 🙂 On an energetic level something has shifted.
Which beliefs are keeping you stuck? Get unstuck…from the inside out. Book A Private Session